
My Most Memorable Service

24 October 2013

By Robert Levy, October 2013

[image - Robert Levy]

It was on a trip to Australia in December with a group of friends. We were exactly 10 people, 5 men and 5 women. I had Yahrzeit for my father and I wanted to say Kaddish, so we needed a minyan of 10 worshipers. Jewish tradition asks for 10 men to create this special atmosphere which is deemed proper to recite the Kaddish. In the town where we were at the time there was no synagogue.

We were all used to attending Orthodox services where women do not count for the minyan. We decided to disregard this restriction and count the women.

Believe me, we all experienced this special, spiritual atmosphere created by 10 committed persons and this service turned out to be the most memorable one I ever attended.

Robert Levy, age 69, resident of Zurich, Switzerland. Father of 2, grandfather of 8.


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