Thousands are expected to attend on Saturday the “Two States, One Hope” peace demonstration in Tel Aviv sponsored by Peace Now and the New Israel Fund, among others.
The rally will feature NIF president Talia Sasson, opinion makers, singer Achinoam Nini and the Israeli group Balkan Beat Box. Leaders of the Meretz, Zionist Union and Joint List parties are also expected to speak.
NIF will have a live Facebook feed broadcast from the demonstration and supporters are urged to place the logo of the event on their Facebook profile pictures.
The demonstration marks the 50th anniversary on June 5 of the Six Day War and the start of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian areas. It calls for two states for two peoples.
“We will take to the streets in masses to protest the lack of hope that the right-wing government proposes, to protest the occupation, violence and racism,” said Avi Buskila, executive director of Peace Now.
As part of its campaign 50 is Enough: Time to Take a Stand, NIF is supporting events and gatherings aimed to raise Israelis awareness of the damages of occupation. NIF has supported a human rights film festival in Tel Aviv and tours to raise awareness about the Green Line, the oft-forgotten demarcation that distinguishes between Israel and the West Bank. The tours are being organized by NIF grantees Machsom Watch and Givat Haviva as well as Neve Shalom.