Press Releases


CONTACT: Elisheva Goldberg
917.740.4031 phone
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NIF Endorses the Two State Solution Act

1 October 2021

Responding to the news that Representative Andy Levin (D-Michigan) introduced the Two State Solution Act, New Israel Fund CEO Daniel Sokatch released the following statement:

“Levin’s Two State Solution Act fills me with hope. Anyone committed to the principles of democracy and freedom cannot but applaud the central tenants of this bill: First, it formalizes long-standing U.S. policy in re-drawing of the green line and declaring settlements inconsistent with international law. This is a powerful first step towards ending Israel’s occupation over millions of Palestinians, shoring up its democracy, and making both Israelis and Palestinians freer and more secure in the process.

“Second, the bill puts a renewed focus on people—both Palestinians and Israelis—who have, for so many years, borne the brunt of this conflict every day. The bill includes the promotion of human rights, the rule of law, and a strong civil society inside the West Bank and encourages people-to-people programming, as per the Nita Lowey Act. As an incubator and funder of civil society in Israel, we at the New Israel Fund know that a strong civil society is the backbone of any democracy.

“This is a common-sense bill, and anyone who supports the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to live in freedom and dignity, should stand behind it.”

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