Is NIF funding the demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?
In a word, “no.” But NIF Israel Executive Director Mickey Gitzin explains in the video below that many people attending the demonstrations are activists involved with NIF and its grantee organizations because NIF works for, “peace, equality and democracy and it is clear that if these demonstrations deal with this issue then these activists will be there.”
When asked “Why are they blaming NIF for all the world’s ills?” Gitzin explains that the authoritarian leaders who have become prevalent around the world in recent years “work by whipping up their political base and pointing a finger at the enemy within,” and blaming them for destroying national pride and the national identity.
He adds, “Here in Israel, it’s relatively easy to take NIF because there is almost no person or organization that supports a democratic and liberal Israel that we don’t support. And there is virtually no activity connected to equality, democracy and peace that NIF is not involved in. If you identify with one or more of these values, then probably you are also NIF.”
Glad You Asked: The Balfour Protests
With nearly a million unemployed and COVID 19 cases rising, thousands of Israelis are calling for government action and protesting outside the Prime Minister’s residence on Balfour Street, Jerusalem.
So why are some Israeli hardliners, like Transportation Minister Miri Regev, falsely accusing NIF of paying protestors?
Posted by New Israel Fund on Tuesday, August 11, 2020