Press Releases


CONTACT: Elisheva Goldberg
917.740.4031 phone
[email protected]

NIF CEO: “Israel doesn’t have a BDS problem; it has an occupation and a settlement problem”

20 July 2021

In response to Israeli leaders strong reaction to Ben & Jerry’s decision to cease distribution in occupied Palestinian territory, NIF CEO Daniel Sokatch released the following statement:

Israel’s leadership fails to recognize a simple truth: Israel’s borders do not include the Palestinian territories it occupies. These lands are not sovereign lands.

Attacking people who try and distinguish between sovereign and non-sovereign Israel by calling them “antisemitic” is to evade a matter of fact, abuse the meaning of ‘antisemitism’ and ultimately gaslight those who would try and work towards a future of equality and justice for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Israel doesn’t have a BDS problem; it has an occupation and a settlement problem.

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